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E.L.K. Initiative Updates

Blog: Welcome

4 Upcoming Events

August Awareness month is paying off! We have four events scheduled. Two in September and two in October. We would love to get two...

The Refuge Church hosts 1st P.A.L. Event

The Refuge Church hosted the first P.A.L. (Partners against littering) event. The Refuge Church announced the Elk event to their members...

June 19th Event

A total of seven bags and large items were removed from Old Earnhardt Rd. Our next event is Saturday July 24th and hosted by The Refuge...

152 Item Challenge #152andYou

Keep America Beautiful did a 2020 National Litter Study. The study determined, among other things, there is about 152 items of litter...

Litter pick up tool

When you come to an ELK group litter pick up event supplies are provided. The supplies include safety vests, gloves, bags, and the above...

Geared up

Here is an ELK volunteer working at our last group event. Sylvia brought her own bucket and litter pick up tool. While ELK does provide...

Saturday May 15th event info

The forecast for Saturday is good. Mostly sunny with a high of 72 degrees. Please join us for two hours, from 10am to noon. Supplies...

Love Your Mother

My grandmother, Bonnie. She has five children, thirteen grandchildren (I am her favorite), and eight great-grandchildren. She was so...

500 Volunteers

Kannapolis is a city of about 50k residents in about 33 square miles. I am curious to see what kind of an impact 1% of the residents can...

Highway Cleanup Act Passed Committee

NC Rep John Bell has gotten one step closer to passing his bill. The bill includes additional funding for inmate cleanup, litter...

Blog: Blog2
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